Prepositions of time (Exercise: 03)

Prepositions of time

Grammar is an indispensable part of learning English Language. This has to be done in a perfectly planned and systematic manner. And while learning prepositions, one must be very minute in understanding the details of the topic. has come up with this systematic, comprehensive way of learning where a leaner will undoubtedly be able to grasp the essence of the topic. So, let us go through the exercise of Prepositions of time.

Read through the following and fill in the numbered blanks with a suitable prepositions of time. Be careful, however, because in one or two cases no preposition is needed.

INTRODUTION Prepositions

My parents met (1) …………… the war; (2) ……………… August 1943 to be precise. My father was home (3) …………… leave (4) …………… the front, and he decided to spend the first week with his aunt in Liverpool. He hadn’t seen her (5) ……………… several years, even though she had brought him up (6) …………………. his mother’s death. Liverpool is not the most beautiful city in the world. But it can be very pleasant (7)……………… summertime, especially early (8)…………………… the morning. (9) ………………… this particular morning however, my father was in no mood to enjoy sunrise over the Mersey.

His train left Euston Station (10) …………………. Time at midnight, but (11) …………………… the time it got to Crewe, it was already three and a half hours (12) ……………… schedule. So, he was in a bad mood and was very tired (13) ……………. arrival at lime street station. But something happened (14).……………… minutes of his arrival that changed not only his mood but also his whole life. Feeling thirsty (15) ……………… his long journey, he decided to go and have a cup of tea in the station buffet. Typically, it was shut (16) …………………… that early hour.


A notice on the door read “opening hours: (17) ……………. 7 a.m. (18) ……………. 5:30p.m.” He looked at the station clock: ten (19) ……………… seven. The buffet should be open (20) ……………………… now, he thought. But knowing station buffets he realised that he could wait (21) ……………………… 8 or even 9 o’clock before it opened. Suddenly he noticed a pretty girl sitting on a bench.

She was pouring some hot liquid from a thermos flask into a cup. Being something of a lady’s man my father (at least this is what my mother told me (22) …………… some years later) sat down and said “I’ve never seen such a pretty girl (23) ……………all my life as you. And I haven’t had a hot drink (24) ………… last night. If you give me a drink of your tea, I will marry you and look after you (25) ……………. the rest of my life!” believe it or not, she smiled at him, gave him the tea and well, I wouldn’t be here (26) ………………… now if the buffet hadn’t shut (27) ……………… that fateful day (28) ………………… August 1943.


01. during                                         15. After

02. in                                                  16. At

03. on                                                 17. From

04. from                                            18. To

05. for                                                19. Past

06. after                                            20. By

07. in                                                  21. Until

08. in                                                  22. No preposition

09. on                                                 23. In

10. on                                                 24. Since

11. by                                                 25. For

12. behind                                        26. No preposition

13. on                                                 27. On

14. within                                         28. In