Prepositions of place (Exercise:01)

Preposition of places


Grammar is an indispensable part of learning English Language. This has to be done in a perfectly planned and systematic manner. And while learning prepositions, one must be very minute in understanding the details of the topic. has come up with this systematic, comprehensive way of learning where a leaner will undoubtedly be able to grasp the essence of the topic. So, let us go through prepositions of places.

Look at the drawing and fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below. Choose from the following (use each once only).

Options of preposition:-

Above, Between, inside, to the left of, Behind, in, on, to the right of, Below, in front of, under, opposite

  1. The sofa is ……………………… the armchair.
  2. The clock is …………………. the mantlepiece.
  3. The magazine ……………………. the table.
  4. The painting is ………………….. the fireplace.
  5. The bookcase is …………………… the fireplace.
  6. The book is ……………………. the vase of flowers.
  7. There are lots of books …………………… the bookcase.
  8. The coffee table is ……………….. the sofa and the armchair.
  9. The cat is …………………… the armchair.
  10. The goldfish is …………………….. the goldfish bowl.
  11. The record-player is …………………… the records.
  12. The clock is ………………….. the painting.
Prepositions of places


1 – opposite                                          

2 – on

3 – under

4 – above

5 – to the left of

6 – in front of

7 – in

8 – between

9 – behind

10 – inside

11 – to the right of

12 – below

THIS EXERCISE DEALS WITH THE PREPOSITIONS OF PLACES. In this post you will find about preposition of places. how and where to use them and it will be helpful to form a sentence.

Look at the drawing and fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below. Choose from the following (use each once only).

Above, Between, inside, to the left of, Behind, in, on, to the right of, Below, in front of, under, opposite

Options of preposition:-

  1. The sofa is ……………………… the armchair.
  2. The clock is …………………. the mantlepiece.
  3. The magazine ……………………. the table.
  4. The painting is ………………….. the fireplace.
  5. The bookcase is …………………… the fireplace.