Noun following “at” (Exercise: 07)

noun following "at"

Grammar is an indispensable part of learning English Language. This has to be done in a perfectly planned and systematic manner. And while learning Noun and its aspects in a sentence, one must be very minute in understanding the details of the topic. has come up with this systematic, comprehensive way of learning where a leaner will undoubtedly be able to grasp the essence of the topic. So, let us go through the exercise of Noun following “at”.

Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate noun in the following sentences.

  1.  The car came round the corner at full ……………………. .
  2.  I’m not exactly sure how old he is, but at a ……………………. I’d say about forty-five.
  3.  He was a very good shot and could kill an elk at a ……………………. of 300 metres.
  4.  We decided to leave at ……………………. in order to get there before midday.
  5.  He was very reluctant to do it at ……………………. , but in the end he agreed.
  6.  Although we had not met before, my host soon made me feel completely at ……………………. .
  7.  Despite what people might hope, women are still at a ……………………. when it comes to getting a top job.
  8.  The normal price is 25 rupees, but since I knew him, he let me have them at a ……………………. .
  9.  Working in a bank isn’t the most exciting job in the world, perhaps, but at ……………………. it pays the rent.
  10.  In Britain, it is very common to put the cat out at ……………………. .
  11.  Between 1939 and 1945, Britain was at ……………………. with Germany.
  12.  At ……………………., after being turned down by ten publishers, he managed to get his novel accepted.
  13.  I’m afraid Ms Simpson’s not here at the ……………………. . could you call back later?
  14.  There was a large notice in the school cloakroom that said: COATS ARE LEFT HERE AT YOUR OWN ……………………. .
  15. He went out to India to experience at first ……………………. the Indian way of life.


  1. Speed
  2. Guess
  3. Distance
  4. Dawn
  5. First
  6. Home
  7. Disadvantage
  8. Discount
  9. Least
  10. Night
  11. War
  12. Last
  13. Moment
  14. Risk
  15. Hand