Comprehension Passage-9 (POEM SOLVED)CBSE-CLASS-6-10

I believe if a pebble is thrown upwards
I can pierce the heavens
And see the angels at play.
I believe I can soar to the heights
Touch the silky clouds
And feel the stars.
 I believe I can dive
Right into the depths
And swim with the sharks.
I believe I can claw into the earth's belly
Pick up the priceless gems
And adorn myself with them.
I believe I can do many things
Amidst the human angels
Surrounded by the world's treasures.
But I firmly believe I've to complete
The role assigned to me here
Where I dream and breathe.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who has written the poem, “ I Believe ”?

a)Brucellish K Sangma

b) Elizabeth Barrett Browning

c) Robert Browning

d) none of these above

2. Which of the followings are the works of Brucellish K Sangma?

a) A Pair of Spectacles

b) My Window Seat

c) The Query

d) all of these above

3.What would the poet do if she could throw a pebble upwards and pierce the heaven?

a) swim with the sharks

b) seetheplayfulangels

c) both a and b

d) none of these above

4.What does  the poet believe, if she could soar to the heights?

a) touch the silky clouds

b) seetheplayfulangels

c) pick up priceless gems

d) none of these above

5. What do you mean by the term, ‘soar’?

a) to swim quickly

b) to run fast

c) to rise quickly

d) none of these above

6. What do you mean by the term, ‘pebbles’?

a) big stones

b) small stones

c) rain drops

d) none of these above

7. This poem is being written in a __________ style.

a)Iambic Tetrameter  

b) Fable

c) Anaphora

d) none of these above

8. What does the poet believe to do if she could claw into the earth’s belly?

a) touch the silky clouds

b) seetheplayfulangels

c) pick up priceless gems

d) none of these above

9. This is a __________  type of poem.

a)Iambic Tetrameter 

b) Haiku

c) both a and b

d) none of these above

10.Which one of the following, signifies Binary opposites in the poem?

a) “ pierce the heavens—claw into the earth’s belly

a) “ soar to the heights—dive right into the depths

a) “ do many things—the roles assigned to me

d) all of these above


1. a)Brucellish K Sangma

2. d) all of these above

3. b) seetheplayfulangels

4. a) touch the silky clouds

5. c) to rise quickly

6. b) small stones

7. c) Anaphora

8. c) pick up priceless gems

9. b) Haiku

10. d) all of these above