25 Ambassadors reach Srinagar for two days visit. The envoys stationed themselves in Srinagar and used the time to surf on the water of the Dal lake in local boats, called Shikaras. “A Kashmiri woman, paddling her boat, through the Dal lakes, Srinagar. Like Venice lots of shopping points selling local handicrafts and boat resorts in the middle of the lake. Undoubtedly, the valley has a lot of potential in boosting the tourisms”, said Tahir Qadiry, an envoy from Afghanistan. He called the situation normal and said, “We saw schools and shops were open on our way from the airport to the city. ”Most envoys avoided talking to the media though they said that the visit was aimed at ‘assessing the situation’. Later the envoys met legislations of panchayat leaders, veterans and traders. A delegation of local editors sources said, told the envoys that Article 370 had increased anger on the ground and demanded the restoration of broadband internet services. Interestingly, several delegates praised the Government’s decision to book NC leaders Farook Abdullah and Omar Abdullah and PDP leader, Mehbooba Mufti, under the public safety act.

Three youths of a little known group, Kashmir Youth Power, were detained when they flashed placards that termed the visit a ‘waste of money’. In the evening, the envoys met the Civil Administration and the Army, which briefed them about Pakistan’s role in fomenting terrorism. They will visit Jammu on Thursday and meet Lieutenant  -Governor, Girish Chandra Murmu.

Ilija Mufti, daughter of PDP President, Mehbooba Mufti, on Wednesday, took potshots at the visit of the envoys. “ How lovely! [North Korean leaders] Kim Jong-un would be proud of such orchestrated diplomacy. The only thing missing is the presence of three former J&K ex-CMs in this ‘curated shikaras’. I’m sure, they would have lots to share,” she wrote on Twitter. She was responding to the tweets of Mr. Quadiry. “Upon our arrival, we enjoyed a Shikara ride on Dal Lake, in Srinagar, Kashmir. Beautiful lakes and hospitable people. I bought a beautiful Kashmiri ring from a boat serving as a shop, ”was one of the tweets tagged to the Ministers of External Affairs by Mr. Quadiry.

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. How many ambassadors reached Srinagar for 2days visit?

a) 25

b) 26

c) 27

d) 28

2.What is ‘Shikaras’?

a) local busses

b) local shops of flowers

c) local boats of Dal Lake

d) a particular dress of Kashmir

3. With which place, did the envoys compare the Dal Lake of Srinagar, regarding lots of shopping points?

a) Greenland

b) Venice

c) Paris

d) Andaman

4.What we’re bring sold in the shopping points on the middle of the Dal Lakes?

a) local handicrafts

b) ornamental things

c) garments and flowers

d) local handicrafts and boat resorts

5. Where the ambassadors were from?




d)North Korea

6. What did the enjoys saw in their way from the airport to the city?

a)that all the schools and shops were closed

b)that all the people were present on the roan ad to welcome them

c)that all the houses were closed

d)that the schools and shops were open

7. Which Article, had increased anger on the ground and demanded the restoration of broadband internet services?

a)Article 370

b) Article 730

c) Article 270

d) Article 372

8. What was the name of the little, know youth group of Srinagar?

a)Srinagar Youth Power

b) Kashmir Youth Society

c) Srinagar Youth Society

 d) Kashmir Youth Power

9. When envoys visit Jammu and met Lieutenant -Governor Girish Chandra Murmu?

 a)on Wednesday

b)on Thursday

c)on Friday

d)on Saturday

10. What did Mr.Qudiry bring from a boat, selling as a shop, in Srinagar

a)a beautiful Kashmiri dress

b)a beautiful flower vase

c) a beautiful was painting

d)a beautiful ring


1. a) 25

2. b) local shops of flowers

3. b) Venice

4. d) local handicrafts and boat resorts

5. a)Afghanistan

6. d)that the schools and shops were open

7. a)Article 370

8. d) Kashmir Youth Power

9. b)on Thursday

10. d)a beautiful ring
