Read Comprehension-

On the day, Buddha was in an assembly, where a man walked in looking furious. He thought Buddha was doing something wrong. He was drawing a huge crowd and people would just go to him and meditate. He was a restless businessman and he had found that his children were spending their time with Buddha when they could have engaged themselves in the business by making more money and ensuring their livelihoods. He felt that spending four-hour of their day, seated next to someone whose eyes were always closed, was a complete waste of time. So the father of the family was very upset and he said: “ I’m going to teach this is man, a lesson! ” With anger in his heart, he walked confidently up to Buddha. As soon as he approached Buddha, all of his thoughts disappeared, but his anger in him didn’t dissipate. He was shaking and he found himself, speechless. Since he was unable to express his emotions in words, he simply spat on Buddha’s face. Buddha in returned, simple smiled. His disciples, who were sitting with him, were ready to jump, but the Buddha’s presence, didn’t allow them to do so. They just couldn’t believe, someone behaves in such a reprehensive manner with Buddha. But they couldn’t say anything, and this man couldn’t stay there any longer. He noticed his action had not drawn any reaction from the people around him, and Buddha has simple smiled, in return. A few minutes later, he thought, “If I stay longer, I will burst, I will explode. ” So, he walked away. Once he returned home, he could not erase the image of smiling Buddha from his mind. For the first time, in his life, he had met someone who had such an extraordinary reaction to such a disrespectful act. He could not sleep all night, and his whole body underwent a transformation. He was shivering, shaking. He felt as though his world has collapsed. So the next day, he got up, and went and fell at Buddha’s feet and said: “Please, forgive me! I didn’t know what I was doing! ”

To this, Buddha replied,  “I cannot excuse you”. Everyone, including Buddha’s disciples, we’re shocked at this reaction. All his life, Buddha, has been so companionate. He had accepted everyone in his ashram, regardless of their past. And now, he was telling this businessman that he could not excuse his behaviour. Buddha looked around and, found everyone to be in a state of shock. So he explained, “Why should I excuse you! When you haven’t done anything? What wrong have you done that, I should excuse your behaviour? ” The businessman replied, “Yesterday, I came to this assembly, and then, in my anger, I spat on your face. I’m the same person. It is me! ”

 Buddha said, “That person is not here anymore. If I ever meet the person on whom you spat, I’ll tell him to excuse you ”. “For me, to the person, right here at this moment, you are wonderful! You have done nothing wrong! ”

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. What concept was the man having regarding Buddha?

a) that Buddha was the disciple of God

b) that Buddha was giving wrong suggestions to people

c) that Buddha was a fake person

d) that Buddha was doing something wrong

2. What did the man do, to earn his livelihood?

a) he was a carpenter

b) he was a businessman

c) he was a priest

d) he was a farmer

3. What did the man plan for his son’s future?

a) he planned for his sons’ marriage

b) he planned to make his son disciples of Buddha

c) that the boys would help him in his business and make more money to ensure their livelihoods

d) he planned to send his dons to cuties to earn more money

4. How many hours the disciples of Buddha sat in front of him, according to the man?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 7

5. What happened when the man approached in front of Buddha?

a) all his thoughts disappeared

b) he spat Buddha on his face

c) he knelt down and prayed in front of Buddha

d) he started shouting and insulting Buddha in front of others

6. What did Buddha do, in return?

a) Buddha also spat him back

b) Buddha said his disciples to throw this man away from the ashram

c) Buddha smiled back

d) Buddha punished the man for his deeds

7. What did the man notice after his actions?

a) Buddha smiled in return

b) he noticed that his actions had not  drawn any reaction for the people around him

c) all his disciples of Buddha started shouting over him

d) Buddha smiled in return and the man noticed that his actions had not  drawn any reaction for the people around him

8. What happened to the man, at night?

a) he could not sleep all night and his full body underwent a transformation

b) he could not sleep all night

 c) his full body underwent a transformation

d) he felt guilty for his works

9. What did Buddha say when the man asks for forgiveness?

a) Buddha forgave the man

b) Buddha asked the man to take his sons

c) Buddha said to him that he cannot excuse the man for his deeds

d) Buddha refused to talk to the man

10. For Buddha, the person who was right there at that moment was–

a) extraordinary

b) very bad

c) selfish

d) wonderful


1. d) that Buddha was doing something wrong

2. b) he was a businessman

3. c) that the boys would help him in his business and make more money to ensure their livelihoods

4. a) 4

5. a) all his thoughts disappeared

6. c) Buddha smiled back

7. d) Buddha smiled in return and the man noticed that his actions had not  drawn any reaction for the people around him

8. a) he could not sleep all night and his full body underwent a transformation

9. c) Buddha said to him that he cannot excuse the man for his deeds

10. d) wonderful