Read Comprehension-Wonderful Worms

Wiggling worms are hard at work under your feet.

They tunnel deeply in the soil and bring the subsoil closer to the surface to mix with the topsoil. As they move along, they create tunnels their tunnels allow room for rainwater, which gives plant roots the water they need. As worms move, they leave behind slime containing nitrogen. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plants.

Earthworms do not have legs, eyes, arms, or teeth.

They have soft bodies that are made up of many segments. Each worm segment contains eight bristles that help the worm move. A worm uses its strong muscles to stretch out its front end until it is long and thin. It then fastens its front bristles in the soil and slinks up its back end. Worms do not have backbones, so they can tie themselves into knots.

Earthworms live in soil that contains moisture and oxygen. If it is not a favourable living environment they will go somewhere else. Earthworms do not like light!

Even though worms don’t have eyes, they can sense light. They move away from light because they will become paralyzed if they are exposed to light for too long. If a worm dries out it will die!

Even though you don’t see them, worms are deep under the ground helping the plants grow stronger and the trees grow taller.

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. How does the wiggling worm help us?

i. They tunnel deeply in the soil.

ii. They bring the subsoil closer to the surface to mix with the topsoil.

iii. Tunnels allow room for rainwater, which gives plant roots the water they need.

iv. All of the above.

2. What is an important nutrient for the soil, according to the passage?

i. Worms.

ii. Nitrogen.

iii. Vitamins.

iv. Proteins.

3. How does the worm contribute in providing nitrogen to the soil?

i. When they move they leave behind slime containing nitrogen.

ii. The dig tunnels and brings nitrogen.

iii. Both i and ii.

iv. None of the above.

4. How many bristles does a worm segment contain?

i. Nine

ii. Five

iii. Six

iv. Eight

5. How can worms tie themselves into knots?

i. They produce slimy liquid.

ii. Body divided into segments.

iii. Have no ears, eyes, arms or teeth.

iv. Have no backbone.

6. In what kind of soil does earthworm live?

i. A soil which has moisture.

ii. A soil which has oxygen.

iii. A favourable environment.

iv. All of the above.

7. Earthworms move away from light, because

i. They can’t see light.

ii. They will become paralyzed.

iii. They can sense light.

iv. All of the above.

8. What does tunnel mean?

i. A passage.

ii. A hole.

iii. dull.

iv. Slime.

9. How does the existence of the worm helps us?

i. the plants grow stronger.

ii. the trees grow taller.

iii. Both i and ii.

iv. None of the above.

10. What does sub-soil mean?

i. The soil lying immediately under the surface soil.

ii. The top layer of soil.

iii. The hard layer of soil.

iv. The sub part of the soil.


1. iv.

2. ii.

3. i.

4. iv.

5. iv.

6. iv.

7. ii.

8. i.

9. iii.

10. i.