Choose the preposition at, by, for, in (Exercise: 02)


Grammar is an indispensable part of learning English Language. This has to be done in a perfectly planned and systematic manner. And while learning Preposition, one must be very minute in understanding the details of the topic. has come up with this systematic, comprehensive way of learning where a leaner will undoubtedly be able to grasp the essence of the topic. So, let us go through exercise of preposition like at, by, for, in.

Complete the following sentences using at, by, for or in.

  1.  He sent me a copy of his will to his bank ………… safe keeping.
  2.  The house is to be sold ……………. auction.
  3.  Although I practise quite a lot, I never seem to win very often ……………. tennis.
  4.  Let Albert work it out; he has an aptitude ……………. figures.
  5.  You could tell ………………… a glance that he was no ordinary speaker.
  6.  Most people think the government is to blame …………… rising unemployment.
  7.  Although their marriage was not a happy one, they decided to stay together ………………… the sake of the children.
  8.  There has been a sharp increase …………… house prices in recent months.
  9.  They began to drop out of the race one ……………… one.
  10.  Do you know of a cure …………… baldness?
  11.  She takes great pride ……………… her work.
  12.  He was the sort of person who immediately made you feel …………… ease.
  13.  Did she give you any reason ……………. her behaviour?
  14.  I am sorry, but I am not …………… ……………… liberty to tell you anymore.
  15.  John’s got very strange taste ……………. clothes, hasn’t he?
  16.  Could you come back in half an hour? Mr. Batson’s …………. lunch at the moment.
  17.  We didn’t know ………………… certain whether they would come or not.
  18.  Think of a number. Now multiply it ………………… seven.
  19.  Do sit down. Mr Brown will join you ……………… a moment.
  20.  The attendance …………………. Saturday’s meeting was very poor.


01. for                                                                              11. in

02. by/at                                                                         12. at

03. at                                                                               13. for

04. for                                                                              14. at

05. at                                                                               15. in

06. for                                                                              16. at

07. for                                                                              17. for

08. in                                                                                18. by

09. by                                                                               19. in

10. for                                                                              20. at