Read Comprehension-

On Valentine’s Day eve, a runaway couple, who were separated following a complaint by the girl’s father, reunited for the first time since May last year, when the man was arrested. His wife in the meanwhile gave birth to their daughter at a women’s shelter home. The Delhi High Court on Wednesday, allowed 27 years old Ankit Kumar, to meet his wife and four months old daughter, during reasonable hours at Nirmal Chayya Home for women here.

A Bench of Justices, Siddharth Mridul and I.S. Meheta also asked the child welfare committee (CWC) to decide on the plea made by Mr. Kumar seeking the release of his wife and wife within five working days. “In the meanwhile, the Superintendent, Nirmal Chayya Complex, where the mother-daughter is currently lodged is directed to permit the petitioner, Ankit Kumar, to interact with them at all reasonable hours, in accordance with law and rules”, the Bench said. Mr. Kumar, a Delhi resident, had moved a habeas corpus petition before the High Court urging that his wife be produced before the court and seeking permission to take them home. Advocate Amresh Anand, who represented Mr. Kumar, submitted before the court, that to date his client, “has not even seen his daughter, forget about caressing her”. Me. Anand urged the “kind indulgence” of the High Court in reuniting the small family. Be said that Mr. Kumar and his wife had known each other for the past few years as they were residing in the same area. Over a period of time, they became very close and fell in love with each other.  When the girl turned 18, Mr. Kumar and she secretly solemnised their marriage at Birla Mandir on February 18, last year. A week later, fearing that her father had come to know about their marriage, the girl ran away with Mr. Kumar, said the advocate. The couple rented a flat in Noida and stated leaving there as husband and wife. The girl’s father launched a police complaint saying his daughter was less than 18 years old and had been kidnapped. Based on FIR, Mr. Kumar was arrested and his wife was taken to the shelter home. After about seven months of legal proceedings, Mr. Kumar was acquitted of all charges of the local court here. Immediately after the release, he tried to speak to his wife but was denied permission. Mr. Anand said that the mother-daughter are not allowed to go out of the shelter home and she even cannot make any calls. Mr. Kumar wrote the CWC and also to Nirmal Chayya seeking the release of his wife and daughter in December last year. When his plea remained unanswered for about two months, he moved the High Court.

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1.When was Ankit Kumar arrested?



c)May, last year

d)February, last year

2. How old was Ankit Kumar when he marry?

a) 21 years old

b) 27 years old

c) 24 years old

d) 31 years old

3. What does “reasonable hours” mean in the passage?

a) for a particular period of time

b) for a long duration of time

c) for just a few seconds

d) for a long period of time

4. What did Mr. Kumar plea to the Bench of Justice?

a) to divorce his wife

b)to release him from the custody

c)to release  his wife and daughter within five working days

d) to release  his wife and daughter within fifteen working days

5. Where are the mother-daughter currently, lodged?

a)in the Nirmal Chayya shelter home

b)in the police custody

c)in the Central Hospital

d)in the Justice home

6. What was the name of the advocate?

a)Siddharth Mridul

b)Amresh Mehta

 c)Ankit Kumar

d)Amresh Anand

7. When did Ankit Kumar and his wife marry?

a)February 18, last year

b)February 24, last year

c)May 18, last year

d)May 14, last year

8. What did the couples do when the girl feared that her father had come to know about their marriage?

a)she rented a house and lived there alone

b)the girl ran away with Mr. Kumar

c)she committed suicide at her house

d)she gave divorce to her recent married husband

9.What was done based on the FIR?

a)Mr. Kumar was arrested

b)his wife was send to the shelter home

c) Mr. Kumar was arrested and his wife was send to the shelter home

d)Mr. Kumar and his wife were arrested

10.What did Mr. Anand complain regarding the mother-daughter to the authorities?

a) the mother-daughter were not allowed to go outside the shelter home

b)the mother-daughter were not allowed to go outside the shelter home and was not allowed to make any calls

c) was not allowed to make any calls

d)the mother-daughter were not given proper food to eat in the shelter home


1. c)May, last year

2. c) 24 years old

3. a) for a particular period of time

4. c)to release  his wife and daughter within five working days

5. a)in the Nirmal Chayya shelter home

6. d)Amresh Anand

7. a)February 18, last year

8. b)the girl ran away with Mr. Kumar

9. c) Mr. Kumar was arrested and his wife was send to the shelter home

10. b)the mother-daughter were not allowed to go outside the shelter home and was not allowed to make any calls